Wh-phrases and their Interference of Interlingual in EFL Context in Afghanistan
EFL Context in Afghanistan
Acquiring English as L2 and foreign language is different from context to context. It is important to remember that acquiring English needs suitable context and enough input in communication. Understanding of question words in EFL Context, especially the learners who learn English as a foreign language in Afghanistan was the new subject. The main purpose of this study is to characterize Wh-words on the performance of the learners who participated in ESP Courses at Badakhshan University and Borna Higher Education in Faizabad, Badakhshan Province in Afghanistan. Recently, some of these students graduated from Badakhshan University and Borna Higher Education and they occupied different positions in different national and international organization. The main criterion for recruiting of these students these organizations was knowing the fourth skills of English language. In this study, 50 subjects were selected from 150 students who participated in the exam. Among these subjects, 25 were female and who also graduated from different disciplines and participated in ESP classes. The task distributed for all these participants in a special large class and the data were collected. The data were analyzed based on quantitative research. Findings of this research represented wh-words and their movements in the sentences are sometimes complicated for the learners who use English as a foreign language, especially for intermediate level. They faced to challenges that they missed their using with auxiliaries and their movements from NP to CP positions. This paper ends with empirical search to represent the challenges to which the learners face when they use Wh-words in the sentences.
Keywords: wh-words, performance, interlingual, interference, structure and context.
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