Analysis of Correspondence Contents Based on the Independent Curriculum for Vocational High School Students of Office Management in Indonesia
Office Management in Indonesia
Correspondence contents are required as stated in the Independent Curriculum document. This research was carried out to analyze the need for correspondence content in Phase E and Phase F for vocational high school students with Office Management and Business Services (OMBS) skill competencies that are tailored to the needs of Industry and the Business World (IBW). This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection uses Forum Group Discussion (FGD), interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The primary data sources include school principals, heads of curriculum, teachers, and public relations as (Industrial and Business World (IBW) partners in 12 OMBS vocational schools in Semarang City. The triangulation used to test the validity of this research data is the triangulation of sources and techniques. The data analysis techniques are reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The research results show that Correspondence is covered by elements of Organizational Information and Communication Systems (OICS) in Phase E and General Administration Management (GAM) in Phase F. Based on the Learning Objectives, there are 14 contents in Phase E and 33 contents in Phase F related to Correspondence learning. By considering the content learning needs, teachers can develop appropriate learning strategies, teaching methods, and materials so that students can achieve their potential in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, teachers of office management require follow-up action on developing teaching materials related to correspondence skill competencies.
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