The Application of YouTube Video on the Skill of Set Induction as Gateway for Effective Classroom Presentation in the Teaching-Learning Process
Classroom Presentation in the Teaching-Learning Process
All strata of lecturers, teachers, subjects, and lessons need good presentation when teaching students from all angles. The beautiful presentation would not be possible without the skill of set induction of Microteaching. Set induction is the skill of microteaching used at the beginning of the lesson to introduce the topic and capture the mind and interest of the learner to the lesson. The application of Set induction skills in classroom lessons is a game-changer, improving teachers' knowledge of teaching methods and abilities, while encouraging students to, independently understand the lessons. The objectives of this research are to explore the application of the set induction and its role in the learning process by teacher trainees during microteaching practicum. The research took 6 months to collect data, with 691 teacher trainees as respondents. The pre-test and post-test were conducted. Chalk-talk method of teaching and YouTube video technology as modern methods of teaching were used. The objective was tested using SPSS, and the null hypothesis was rejected. The results of the study showed that the skill of set induction plays a significant role in capturing students' minds in lesson presentations. Recommendation, the research recommends all teachers and lecturers should apply set induction in their lessons, and orientation should be made on the usage of YouTube in Microteaching.
Keywords: Teacher trainees, Set induction, Micro teaching, Skills, YouTube, Technology
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