The Effects of a Grammar Error Correction Session on Language Learners’ Success


  • Fulda Karaazmak


Error correction has a significant place in language teaching classrooms since language learning involves some kind of a trial and error process during which learners test their language related hypotheses. The present study sought to examine the effects of a grammar error correction session on 64 eleventh grade high school students’ success in a grammar test. The pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design involving the experimental and control groups was used in the study. In the data collection procedure, two parallel grammar tests were implemented to the learners. Results showed an increase in learners’ mean scores in the grammar test used as the post-test, which the learners took following the error correction session. However, the increase in the learners’ grades was not at a statistically significant level. The positive effects of the remedial error correction session were not explicit in the study.



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