Student Perceptions of Online and Face-to-Face Learning


  • Meera Mather Centennial College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Alena Sarkans Centennial College, Toronto, Ontario


The rapid expansion of online learning in higher education in recent years has attracted a large number of students. In this paper, the researchers examined students’ perceptions of both online and face-to-face learning by conducting a qualitative study that surveyed 313 students from an Ontario community college. The objective was to explore students’ perspectives on the issues of learner preference, interactivity, workload, performance, and challenges. An analysis between the two groups, online and F2F, showed a difference in student perceptions and experiences.

Author Biographies

Meera Mather, Centennial College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Chair, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Alena Sarkans, Centennial College, Toronto, Ontario

Professor - Curriculum Development


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