A Comparative Survey of Environmental Education Goals Between the UNESCO Framework and 10th Grade Palestine Curriculum.


  • Muneer Jebreel Karama


The  present research, being one string of the Environmental Education (EE), aims to study, and analyze EE objectives in the Palestinian 10th grade textbook from an international point view , namely : to conduct a comparative  survey of environmental education goals  between  the UNESCO framework  and  10th  grade Palestine Curriculum. To achieve this aim, the researcher refers to the UNESCO framework as a standard tool of EE, then analyzes the Palestinian 10th grade textbook in light of this tool. The finding of the research indicated that there are partial consistently between the UNESCO EE, and Palestinian 10th grade textbook in two levels of objectives (2 and 3), while there is no match on the other two levels of objectives (1 and 4), on the light of these finding the researcher recommends to policy makers, and the Palestinian writing team of the Environmental Education Curriculum to reform objectives on the light of international trends toward Environmental Education.


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