Strategies to solve communication barriers between parents and teachers of visually impaired learners in Pakistan


  • Shazia Malik University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan


This research seeks to identify strategies to solve communication barriers between parents and teachers of visually impaired learners (VIL) in Pakistan. The design of the study is qualitative case study research design. Five parents and five teachers of VIL were selected as the sample for this study from two government secondary level institutes of visually impaired students in Lahore Pakistan. The researcher adopted the purposive sampling technique in selecting ten respondents. Interview guide was prepared based on the objectives and research question of the study. Content validity of interview guide was validated by two qualitative experts with their teaching experience. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the help of an interview guide. Collected data were analyzed with cross case analysis. The findings of the study indicated that daily diaries as a way of communication, increasing parent-teacher interaction, provision of parental assistance and parent-teacher meetings are the strategies to solve communication barriers between parents and teachers of VIL in Pakistan. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made which include that parents should take the responsibility to show their involvement in the school of their VIL that can create communication with teachers.

Author Biography

Shazia Malik, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan

Institute of Education and Research (I.E.R) University Of the Punjab Lahore Pakistan



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