Analyzing the methods and approaches for transacting diploma in basic education curriculum in Ghana
Analyzing the methods and approaches for transacting diploma in basic education
Based on the dynamic nature of the Ghanaian society, teacher training has become a major concern for all. Successive governments have formulated policies to improve quality education at this level. One of such policies is the Education Act of 2008 that made provision for a Diploma in Basic Education (DBE) curriculum in the Colleges of Education (CoE). The study aimed to examine how this curriculum was transacted with emphasis on methods and approaches adopted by the tutors. So, a descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and drawn needed data from the College author principals, tutors, student-teachers and Regional Directors of Education by using tools such as questionnaires, and group discussion. The collected data from the experts were analyzed by using Mean and SD while data from the student-teachers were presented qualitatively. It was found that tutors use a variety of teaching methods to teach the various categories of courses viz., Educational and Professional Studies, Core courses and Elective courses. But a few of such teaching methods like Lecture and Brainstorming were inappropriate for teaching courses such as Physical Education, ICT and Mathematics. It was also found that teacher trainees were exposed to first-hand teaching experience through practice teaching in two phases. Thus on-campus practice teacher and out-campus practice teaching.
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