Possible Problems in Online Foreign Language Teaching at a University Context
Online language teaching and learning contexts yield both merits and drawbacks for professionals and learners. Within this scope, this study investigated the views of instructors on possible problems of online foreign language teaching with regard to language skills, language areas, and classroom management. A questionnaire consisting of 19 items was developed and implemented by the researcher. The study involved 30 language instructors selected purposefully at a state university context in Turkey, and they took part in the process voluntarily. They had varying educational backgrounds and teaching experiences. Frequencies (f) and percentages (%) were used in analyzing the data. The results were reported descriptively at the end. The results demonstrated that the participants supported online foreign language teaching with regard to language skills and language areas while they considered some aspects problematic in relation to classroom management. Finally, limitations of the inquiry and implications for future studies were discussed based on the results.References
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