Planning a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Curriculum for Young Children: A Collaborative Project for Pre-service Teacher Education


  • Greg Tabios Pawilen University of the Philippines, Los Banos
  • Marie Rose A. Yuzon Miriam College


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or STEM is one of the important innovations currently implemented in Philippine education. This is in recognition of the importance of STEM education for the development of learner. This study focuses on how to plan a STEM curriculum for young children. It aims to present the result of a study conducted in one-semester undergraduate class on STEM for Young Children that was offered for second year and third year pre-service teacher education students. The classes were used to train pre-service teacher education students to plan curriculum and instruction for STEM for young children. The results of the study includes (1) things to consider in developing STEM curriculum, (2) criteria for selecting STEM activities, (3) content standards for STEM curriculum, (4) important skills to be developed, and (5) criteria for selecting instructional materials. Planning a STEM curriculum for young children can be an alternative program to develop gifted potentials of young Filipino learners.

Author Biographies

Greg Tabios Pawilen, University of the Philippines, Los Banos

Associate Professor

College of Human Ecology

University of the Philippines Los Banos

Marie Rose A. Yuzon, Miriam College

Assistant Professor College of Education Miriam College


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