Strategic approaches to glocalising curriculum practice: Responding to faculty development needs and circumstances in diverse university contexts
Strategic approaches to glocalising curriculum practice
University campuses around the world face significant challenges for engaging culturally diverse faculty and students with responsive programming (e.g., undergraduate, graduate, staff and faculty development programs). Policy documents espousing inclusion and the strategic institutional importance of local and global engagement, for example, are positive steps to foster institutional change. However, in practice, ad-hoc curricula renewal initiatives aimed at facilitating cultural diversity tend to be far less strategic, and with scant attention to research-informed and evidence-based scholarship. This paper attempts to address these complex challenges and provides insights toward a scholarly approach to glocalising curriculum practice for faculty development in multinational settings. In this context, data suggests that strategic institutional supports are key to glocalising curriculum practices. Further, a glocalised curriculum is inherently situated; socially and culturally mediated; and, is responsive to the professional learning needs and circumstances of educational leaders in diverse institutional contexts.References
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