A Descriptive Study of Behavioural Group Parent Training: A Suggested Sample For Families of Disabled Children


  • Yusuf Ziya Tavil "Gazi University"


The ultimate purpose of the education is to bring up kids to become productive, self-sufficient and independently-functioning individuals in the society. In this situation, this can be done through parent training programs presented systematically. Parent training programs should be planned by focusing on the number of people participating in the program, the environment in which the program takes place and the objective of the program. Considering the number of the people participating in the program, parent training programs can be organized in group and one-to-one education. Before the sessions regarding parent training programs for the group are planned, parents’ needs and the objectives of the parent training program should be determined. After deciding the organization of the program in group or one-to-one, it is required that the objectives should be constructed, the teaching materials which will support the prepared plan should be developed and the teaching process should be written.



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