A critical evaluation of the education policies on Syrian refugees in Turkey and Jordan

A critical evaluation of the education policies


  • Nihan Aylin Ünlü Hacettepe University, School of Foreign Languages, Department of Basic Engilsh http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8669-7168
  • Hatice Ergül Hacettepe University, Department of Foreign Languages Education


As of the beginning of the Syrian war, many Syrian citizens had to relocate and migrate to other countries, which have borders with Syria. Turkey and Jordan are countries, which hosted very high numbers of Syrian refugees. The majority of Syrian refugees are children and they have not been able to integrate into the education system properly in the countries they sought refugee. These children need to acquire a certain level of knowledge and skills to restructure their institutions when they return to their countries in the post-war period. This study aims to examine the education policies of Turkey and Jordan to identify the problems associated with the existing system and to make various recommendations so as to make the content of refugee education better and more effective. Thus, the refugees can reconstruct a brighter future for their country, and for themselves. In the scope of this study, it can be observed that both Jordan and Turkey had to reconsider and make some changes in their refugee education policies to solve the problems encountered. The data of this research were collected through document analysis.

Author Biography

Nihan Aylin Ünlü, Hacettepe University, School of Foreign Languages, Department of Basic Engilsh

Nihan Aylin Ünlü is an English instructor at Hacettepe University. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language and Literature from Ankara University. She holds two M. A. degrees, one in ELT from Bilkent University and the other in English Language and Literature from Hacettepe University. She received a PhD degree in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language at Hacettepe University.



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