Emotion, attention and delayed recall task performance: how emotional intensity drives eyes during foreign language subtitle processing

Emotion, attention and delayed recall task performance


  • Emrah Dolgunsoz Bayburt University, Dept. of ELThttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-1277-2177


Emotions and cognitive processes are intertwined terms and can frame how we behave and learn. The main aim of this research was to investigate the effect of emotion on attention during L2 subtitle processing and to scrutinize emotional intensity as a factor on delayed L2 vocabulary recall tasks. 40 intermediate learners of EFL watched a funny or a boring video in which subtitles ended with an enhanced non-word while their eye movements and facial expressions were recorded. After the experiment, they were asked to take an immediate post-test consisted of choosing the correct non-words mentioned in the videos. 5 days later, they sat for the same test individually in a randomized order. The results showed that emotional intensity did not affect time spent on subtitle areas but it was found to have an effect of recalling vocabulary items after a long delay. The results were discussed in terms of noticing and emotional enhancement effect on memory.


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