Examining the Organizational Socialization Perceptions of Teachers in the Lifelong Learning Process by Various Variables
The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions of teachers about organizational socialization levels according to various variables. The quantitative study was designed as a survey model. Organizational Socialization Scale used in the research was developed by Taormina (2004) and adapted into Turkish by Balci, Baltaci and Fidan et al. (2012) and validity and reliability analyzes were performed. The data collection tool used in the study was formed in Likert type and consisted of 20 items and four dimensions. Factor load values of items in the original scale ranged from .45 to .81. Cronbach Alpha coefficient of the scale was .77. These subscales were entitled "social development, organizational understanding, employee support and future expectation". The total data of the data used in the study was gathered from 220 teachers employed in schools in Istanbul Kartal district. Gender, graduation, professional experience, branch and tenure of school were taken as independent variables. Findings of the research revealed that the level of organizational socialization scores of teachers is quite high. According to those findings, it can be said that it is necessary to support the career development of teachers in lifelong learning process and to increase their professional competence with in-service courses.References
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