Effect of Traditional Methods in Teaching English on Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study


  • İsmail Şan İnönü University
  • Ömer Kıymaz Adıyaman High-School
  • Ali Kış İnönü University


The purpose of this meta-analysis study is to determine the overall effect size of the traditional methods on academic achievement in the experimental studies on teaching English. For this purpose, the data were collected from the master's and doctoral thesis carried out in Turkey. The aim of meta-analysis is to compare and combine the results of studies on a subject. 10 doctoral and 40 master’s theses between the years 2005-2018, meeting the inclusion criteria, were included in the study. Results show that traditional methods have large effect d=0,98 [0,83; 1,12] on English academic success. This result means traditional methods increases academic success in teaching English. But this result doesn’t mean that traditional method is more successful than modern approaches.


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Studies involved in meta-analysis are marked with *.


