Developing an adaptation test for students to daily life about the unit “Systems and Health in Our Body”


  • Miyase Tutar Amasya University
  • Orhan Karamustafaoğlu Amasya University


This study is aimed to develop an adaptation test to determine the adaptation level of the 6th grade students about the concepts and topics to their daily life included in the unit '' Systems and Health in Our Body''. The test items were prepared by considering the reasons of the problems that they can encounter in their daily life about the subject and the concepts. The test was reduced to 27 items depending on the opinions of the experts and the period that the students given to answer the items. The final application was conducted with 48 students after the necessary corrections were done. The evaluation of the test items was performed as an answer key and grading rubric were formed. In this study, Pearson correlation coefficient and the comparison of means theory was used to determine the scoring reliability among scorers. Keywords: Science; controller and regulatory systems; endocrine system; sense organs; daily life


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