A swot analysis to raise awareness about cyber security and proper use of social media: Istanbul sample
Internet is a cyber-ambient where the number of users is increasing consistently as a result of wide opportunities those are provided and where access can be ensured with information technologies. Today, via internet and social media where the number of users reaches billions, the samples of committed cybercrimes and cyber-attacks are increasing throughout the world. For this reason, it is inevitable to raise awareness in the society about cyber security and social media use. Raising awareness also can be done by providing education for all sections of the society. It is aimed to bring the expert person who has knowledge and experiences to provide support about creating substructure of education about both cyber security and using social media, by considering potential of institution and organization, and these sharers hosted by Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education and it is aimed to make cooperations. In line with this aim, Cyber Security and Proper Use of Social Media Workshop was realized in Istanbul on 17-18 February 2018. In discussions made within the scope of the workshop, the participants made SWOT analyses on behalf of using social media properly and to raise awareness for cyber security. In that study, information will be given about these analyses performed for Istanbul province. Keywords: Cyber security; social media; awareness; swot analysisReferences
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