The Relationship Between the Emotion Management Proficiencies of School Admininstrators and The Motivation Level of The Teachers


  • Alper Güngör Uşak University
  • Mehmet Akif Helvaci Uşak University


The aim of this research is to put forth the relationship between the emotion management proficiencies of the managers and the motivation level of the teachers. In this study, the opinions of school administrators on the emotion management behavior and the motivation level of the teachers have been examined.It was determined whether or not the opinions of the teachers differentiate according to the changes of genre, marital status, school type, the number of the teachers and the working time at the school they work.In this scanning model was used in this study. 374 teachers chosen by random sampling from 650 teachers working in primary, secondary and high schools in the district of Simav in Kütahya created the research phase. Two scales, Mottaz's (1985) “Job Motivation Scale” and “Emotion Management Behaviors of Managers in Terms of Management Process developed by Çoruk and Akçay (2012) were used. According to the findings obtained from the research, the motivation perceptions of the teachers and the proficiency levels of the emotion management of the school principals were found. While the proficiency level of the emotion management of the school administrators differentiates significantly depending on the numbers of the teachers in the whole dimensions of the emotion management, it differentiates depending on the school type in the communication and evaluation dimension. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivation opinions of the teachers differentiate significantly depending on the number of the teachers at school. As a result, it has been reached that there is a positive directional strong relationship between the emotional management and and the teacher motivation. Keywords: Emotion management, motivation, School Administrators


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