Teaching and Learning in Multi-graded Classrooms: Is it Sustainable?


  • Hale Erden Cyprus Social Sciences University


The objective of the current study was to determine whether it was sustainable to teach and learn in multi-graded classrooms. This paper reports on an investigation into experiences of key stakeholders regarding difficulties and the factors contributing to the difficulties faced throughout the process of teaching and learning in multi-graded classrooms in North Cyprus schools. The aim of the study was to identify the difficulties contributing to the learning and teaching in multi-graded classrooms and determine on the factors contributing to the difficulties faced according to the experiences, beliefs and perspectives by the core participants. The study employed the qualitative approach while collecting data, using interviews and observation checklists. Semi-structured interviews with teachers (N=20) and administrators (N=10) as well as focus group interviews with students and their parents (N=100) were conducted to identify the difficulties as well as factors contributing to the identified difficulties faced throughout the multi-graded teaching and learning process. Student observations were also employed in the classroom atmosphere. Qualitative phenomenology design was used for data collection of the study. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews, focus group interviews and observation checklists, which were analyzed using content analysis. Results maintained that there are certain difficulties and certain factors contributing to such difficulties. Difficulties include management, effective teaching and learning strategies and assessment in the multi-graded classrooms. Factors contributing to such difficulties cover organization of the curriculum, management in the classroom and lack of support. Keywords: Assessing learning and teaching performance; classroom management; effective teaching strategies; planning teaching; sustainability


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