Social Responsibility ETA Index 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an essential part of sustainability. The CSR concept can be extended to social responsibility of organisations and personal responsibility of the citizens (Personal Social Responsibility). Extending the CSR concept requires increasing the knowledge of it. The Social Responsibility Index (SR Index), inspired by the CSR indices used to measure the performance, can be a convenient tool to educate adult population in the Lifelong Learning (LLL) process. It is essential that the index is understandable for all users. Moravian Business College Olomouc has applied andragogical approaches in an index methodology proposal – so called SR ETA Index 2019 (hereinafter referred to as SREI). The aim of the paper is to present the SREI. Beyond the function of the measuring instrument, it can be used to educate all types of target user groups. The SREI design is based on a combination of piloting methodology and field pre-research methodology. Keywords: CSR as social construct, E-A-R learning method, LLL, SREI indexReferences
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