The Relationship Between Individual Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Characteristics of Teacher Candidates
The-2002-Johannesburg-World-Summit and the 2005-2014 period were announced by the United Nations as a period of education focused on sustainable development. With this decision, the issue of sustainability has entered the agenda of education more precisely. Teachers contribute to sustainable development in social life as well as economic sustainable development. For sustainability, teachers need to be social entrepreneurs and innovators. Social entrepreneurship emphasizes sociality and entrepreneurship. Innovation involves innovation that creates value economically and socially. In the literature, there isnot any study aimed at determining the relationship between individual innovation characteristics and social entrepreneurship characteristics of prospective teachers. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the prospective teachers' individual innovation characteristics and social-entrepreneurship characteristics. The research was conducted on prospective teachers studying in the education faculties of private universities in Northern-Cyprus. In order to obtain data for the study, “Social Entrepreneurship Characteristics Scale of Prospective Teachers” and “Individual Innovation Scale” were used with permission. The data of the research was analyzed with SEM. IBM SPSS 23.0-program and AMOS-program were used while applying the data analysis process. As a result of the analysis, a strong relationship was found between the social-entrepreneurship traits of trainee teachers and individual innovation traits. Keywords: Innovativeness; individual innovation; entrepreneurship; social entrepreneurship; teacher candidateReferences
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