Sustainability and healthy habits in School: eating and physical activity


  • Sara Ramos
  • Susana Vale
  • Alexandre Pinto
  • Pedro Rodrigues
  • António Barbot


Obesity in childhood has become a major global public health concern. Its considerable increase in the last decades took the World Health Organization (WHO) to regard this fact as one of the greatest public health challenges of the 21st century. Diagnosing, intervening and, above all, preventing obesity in the early stages of life becomes urgent and justified by the innumerable health complications found in adults. It´s expect and fundamental that schools provide practices in order to promote good health habits, given opportunity to the students keeping them for their future life according a lifelong education. This research was carried with 15 students, aged 6 to 7 years old. Their body mass index (BMI) was calculated, we held a questionnaire about their eating habits related to the Mediterranean Diet (MD) and the significance of healthy eating and physical activity (PA) practicing was discussed. We measured their PA using accelerometers. Data were analyzed with specific software and some of them were discussed bases on qualitative analysis. The results of this study showed improvements in the PA of the participants after intervention, it`s also demonstrate that is possible promote health behaviours in articulation with other areas of knowledge. Keywords: Childhood obesity; healthy habits; physical activity; sustainability; lifelong education


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