Illustrative electrical engineering in the primary school


  • Cestmir Serafin Palacký University in Olomouc


Electro technical kits have many positive effects in school education, suitably supplement as well as support it, and are also one of its subject matters. Considering the fast, global development information technology is experiencing, there is a growing need to combine computer systems and electro technical kits in education. This assists in the process of digitization, too, which asserts itself in the conditions set for educating children as early as in nursery schools. The constructivist concept of education is based on the activities of students which lead to the development of their cognitive skills, thinking, and creativity; the issues of motivation, activity, independence, creativity, and humanizing education are appreciated; respect is given to the notion that students interpret new facts on the basis of understanding what they learned previously; of their existing knowledge and experiences. These mental structures constitute patterns which serve as a foundation for new, constructed knowledge. When a teacher assumes the constructivist approach to education, they assess and diagnose the students’ dispositions and attitudes to the expected content and to the manner of its processing. Subsequently, the teacher adapts their approach to these results. It is the teacher’s responsibility to establish suitable conditions and materials for education to take place, to make it easier for students to construct new knowledge as a part of their education, to respect their individual traits and pace, ensure that the students are active, and combine their knowledge with activities and skills – all of this can be ideally combined by using of electro technical kits. The paper presents the results of past research surveys which were conducted in relation to incorporating electrical engineering into education, and of the effectiveness of the implemented education in the practical reality of teaching which includes using electro technical kits as one of the basic didactic training tools in this sphere of technics. One subject of discussion also includes the condition / the current state of implementing education in the primary school environment. Keywords: Education; Technical Education; Electrotechnical kits; Illustrative Electrical Engineering; Primary School


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