SELF-regulated Lifelong Learning in Law Using LinkedIn


  • Chin Chin Sia Taylor’s University
  • Puteri Sofia Amirnuddin Taylor’s University


In tertiary legal education, self-regulated learning is demonstrated through active goal-directed, self-control of behaviour, motivation, and cognition for assessment tasks by an individual learner. Self-regulated learning involves a recursive cycle, involving three phases: forethought, performance and reflection. Through the creation of LinkedIn undergraduate e-profiles through the assessed task, the students are trained to be self-regulated learners. The effectiveness of LinkedIn in achieving the aim of self-regulated learning will be evaluated and demonstrated. In addition, professional networks help educate students who hold uninformed views of the workforce they are about to join. Networking is an essential part of building capital, and online social media tools, such as LinkedIn, is a suitable resource. This paper shows one innovative method for encouraging law students to be self-regulated learner in shaping their presence in the professional world by using LinkedIn. Their profiles with the necessary skills will be their foundation to venture into the real legal world. Keywords: Lifelong Learning, Legal Profession, Social Media, Digital Portfolio, Legal Skills


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