Perception of professional social support as a predictor of burnout level of pre-school teachers


  • Nuray Tornuk
  • Demet Zafer Gunes


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between perception of pre-school teachers' professional social support and burnout levels. The model of this research is the relational screening model included in the quantitative research model. The participants of the study were 297 pre-school teachers working in official schools of the Ministry of National Education in Tekirdag in 2017-2018 academic year. The data were collected by burnout scale, teacher professional social support scale and participant information form. According to the data, there was a statistically significant negative correlation between burnout and all sub-dimensions of social support scale. In addition, professional social support perceptions of preschool teachers were found to be a significant predictor of burnout levels. Keywords: Burnout, professional social support, pre-school teacher


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