Examination of the Relationship between Organizational Resilience and Organizational Sustainability at Higher Education Institution
As organizational environments become increasingly complex, uncertain and unpredictable, organizations face more crises and are forced to maintain their resilience in these circumstances. In spite of these situations, organizations that maintain their resilience try to secure their organizational sustainability by taking their existence one step further. According to the UNDP report, organizations can create a sustainable dynamic if they can make individuals and communities more resilient. Then it is obviously seen that organizational resilience and organizational sustainability concepts are related to each other. For this reason, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between organizational resilience and organizational sustainability at higher education isntitutions based on the literature. In this respect, the study was designed with a literature review. As the data collection, the a six-step research strategy was determined, and six steps of this strategy was applied. After then, it was occurred as far as was accessed, there was no study that directly quantifies the relationship between organizational resilience and organizational sustainability in higher education was found. However, it was seen that some of the studies mentioned below analyze the relationship between resilience and sustainability conceptually. For this reason, it was proved the importance of both handling organizational resilience and organizational sustainability together and handling this relationship at higher education institutions. In this context, some suggestions were presented. Keywords: Educational organization; higher education institution; literature review; organizational resilience; organizational sustainability.Downloads
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