A Comparative of Finger Tapping Test Scores Elite Athletes, Art, Foreign Languages and Computer- Instructional Technology Students


  • Şenay Şahin Uludag Universty
  • Yakup Zühtü Birinci
  • Engin Sağdilek Uludag University
  • Şerife Vatansever
  • Serkan Pancar
  • Ersin Şahin Uludag Universty
  • Erhan Kiziltan Başkent University


Fine motor skill is ability to control and coordinate the small muscles in the hand for precise movements. Fine motor skill have been associated with several other cognitive abilities, including processing speed executive functions and scholastic skills. Fine motor skill in the early years have also been shown to predict later academic achievement, especially in reading and mathematics and to predict underachievement in able students at school. In this aspect our objective in this study was to compare finger tapping test scores between students of art, foreign languages, computer-instructional technologies and elite athletes. A significant difference was found between elite athletes and all groups in finger tapping test scores. Elite athletes performed more finger taps than other groups in the same period. In conclusion, the more importance of fine motor skill in terms of sporting success also explains the difference of the finger tapping test performances between the groups. Keywords: education, motor skills, finger tapping, elite athletes


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