Relationship between Education, Personal and Social Competences and Quality of Life of Adult Family Caregivers
Increasingly, lifelong learning is of growing importance and it refers to the constant experiences and needs of individuals adapting to the development of their personal and social skills in relation to the contexts and circumstances in which they are inserted. For this, one of the primary requirements to be able to enjoy a high Quality of Life. For the family, the diagnosis of disability in children is a particularly significant time consuming energy and mobilizing physical and economic resources, imposing itself as an important event inducing stress. It is an exploratory study with a quantitative data approach. The data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics (version 25) software. This study has as main objectives (1) to evaluate the QoL of Family Caregivers of Adults with Disability or Intellectual Disability, by identifying the domains and facets of the WHOQOL-Bref most affected; (2) to study the measure of association between some variables related to the care delivery and QoL of Family Caregivers; (3) to evaluate the differences in the indicators of QoL between genders and (4) to evaluate the relationship between the wear associated with the caring of the Family Caregivers and their QoL. N=30 aged 20-57. Instruments: Sociodemographic and Care Rendering Data Sheet, WHOQOL-Bref QoL Scale, and Caregiver's Scale of Attrition. As results this study reveals that the WHOQOL-Bref domains are not significantly affected. It was also verified that there is a negative association between the objective and subjective burnout and the QoL of the Family Caregivers. The scale of personal growth, however, is negatively related to QoL. This study points to the importance of leadership investing in Family Caregivers in the sense of their personal growth and development of social skills. Keywords: : Education; skills; caregivers; quality of lifeReferences
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