Teacher Perceptions on Managerial Role Behaviors of School Principles
Duties and responsibilities of managers in a school to increase the quality of education are often discussed among the trainers. The aim of this research was to reveal the perceptions of the teachers at public high schools on the managerial role and behaviors of school administrators. The research was a descriptive study in the screening model. The study group of the research had 276 teachers working in the official high schools in the districts of Bakırköy and Avcılar in Istanbul. The measuring instrument used in the research was a 30-item Likert-type measuring instrument developed by the researchers. The Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of the scale was .914. T-test and one-way ANOVA were administered to the independent groups. According to the results of these factor analyses, teachers' perceptions about administrators' managerial role behaviors were gathered under four sub-dimensions as "administrator's role and strategies, education-training programs, assessment of teaching and supporting teacher". The findings revealed that the item ‘school principals encourage their participation in professional meetings for the training of teachers" had the highest ( =3.13), and the item "efforts to contribute to improving the quality of education in teaching" had the lowest average scores ( =2.15). The results of the research also showed that managerial leadership role in education curricula was emphasized but leadership qualities such as rewarding, motivation, cooperation, quality, success related to learning teaching process were weak. Keywords: Role and Behavior; Quality; Leadership; AssessmentReferences
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