Examining the Factor of Color on Street Facades in Context of the Perception of Urban Aesthetics: Example of Antalya
In this study, the visual assessment of building facades, which define the boundaries of avenues, were based on the color factor with the aim of revealing its effect on the aesthetic perception of a city. Being part of the façade coloring work implemented in the Province of Antalya, the facades along the Avenues of Gulluk, Yuzuncuyil and Mevlana were selected as the sample for this study. In the first stage of this study, a survey assessment form was developed with reference to similar studies. For the online survey, random participants were asked to evaluate the former and current appearance photos showing the coloring work on the selected avenues based on five selected criteria (Like-Dislike, Boring-Exciting, Compatible-Incompatible, Disturbing-Relaxing, Appealing-Unappealing). Research suggest that coloring work did not have a significantly positive effect neither on the aesthetic value of the city nor on people’s degree of liking of the avenues. However, in scope of given criteria, different relations do emerge when the degree of liking scores for the former and current appearance is evaluated. There is a strong relation between Compatible-Incompatible criteria and degree of liking before the coloring work however, the relation between Boring-Exciting criteria and degree of liking after the coloring work is stronger. Accordingly, it is possible to say that the standard colors used formerly on the avenue facades were liked because they were compatible however, the applied colors are liked because they are found more exciting. Keywords: aesthetics, buildings, environment, perception, visualReferences
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