An intervention in brain-based learning: Leading to shifts in language learning beliefs


  • Gülten Koşar Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Department of English Language Teaching
  • Hasan Bedir Çukurova University Department of English Language Teaching


This case study examines whether or not an intervention in brain-based learning (BBL) brings about any change in language learning beliefs (LLBs) of adult EFL learners. Students enrolled in an English preparatory program were taught in accord with BBL principles over 16 weeks. Beliefs about language learning inventory (BALLI) was administered at the outset of and subsequent to the intervention in an attempt to explore if English lessons designed in compliance with BBL principles led to changes in EFL learners’ LLBs. The findings obtained by running Wilcoxon signed-rank test demonstrated that learning English by attending to lessons planned according to BBL principles induced a statistically significant change in 13 of a total of 34 beliefs in the inventory.

Author Biography

Gülten Koşar, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Department of English Language Teaching

Gülten KOŞAR is working as an Assist. Prof. Dr. in the department of English Language Teaching at Hatay Mustafa Kemal University. She received her BA in English Language and Literature from Hacettepe University, and MA and PhD in English Language Teaching from Çukurova University. Her research concentrations include second language learning, teaching language skills, pragmatics, in-service and pre-service English language teacher education, and last but not least teaching English to adult and young learners.


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