Examination of Leadership Orientations and Self-Confidence Behaviors of Faculty Of Sport Sciences Students (Kocaeli University Sample)
Abstract This research was designed with the aim of determining whether the self-confidence behaviors and leadership behaviors of students who are placed on the basis of YGS points and the aptitude tests of Kocaeli University differ in terms of various demographical characteristics and making suggestions on the basis of research. The research population consists of 2162 students who have been studying at the Faculty of Sports Sciences of Kocaeli University and the sample consists of 730 students who have voluntarily participated in the 2017-2018 academic year. The "Leadership Orientation Scale" which was developed by Bolman and Deal (1991) and adapted to Turkish by Dereli (2003) and the "Self-Confidence Scale" which was developed by Akin (2007) were used for data collection within the scope of this study. In the analysis of the data, the descriptive statistical test was used for examining the participants' personal information distributions and for determining whether the data were normally distributed or not. Manova, Tukey and Post-Hoc tests were used to determine the differences between the variables, correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship, frequency analysis were used to examine personal information distribution of the participants and regression analysis were used determine the effect while skewness-kurtosis values were evaluated in order to find whether the data exhibit a normal distribution or not. As a result of the analysis performed; it was found that there was a high positive correlation between the internal self-esteem and the subscales of the leadership scale of the School of Sport Sciences students (p<0,05). It was determined that the leadership orientations of female students are significantly higher than male students (p<0,05). In all dimensions, it was determined that the students who study at Physical Education and Sports Teaching Department had a significantly higher leadership orientation than the other departments (p <0,05). When the enrolling ways of the students were examined, it was found that the students who settled in the Faculty of Sports Sciences with aptitude test had significantly higher leadership orientations and self-confidence behaviors (p<0,05). When the self-confidence levels of the students who were placed in the faculty of Sports Sciences Faculties were compared by means of the aptitude test and YGS points, it was found that the self-confidence levels of the 1st and 2nd class sedentary students were lower than the 3rd and 4th class students (p <0,05). Although the self-confidence levels of the female students were higher than the male students, there was no significant difference between the self-confidence dimensions and the gender variable (p<0,05). It was determined that the students who enrolled to the Sports Sciences Faculty with aptitude tests show a high level of difference when they were compared to the students who enrolled to the Sports Sciences Faculty with YGS, by means of Leadership Orientations and the Self Confidence Levels. Keywords: Sports Science, Ygs, Skill, Leadership, Self-confidence, Sport.References
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