Trainer training program developed for instructors about student-centered teaching-learning processes and its effects: A study of a curriculum development in higher education

Curriculum development in higher education


  • Mutlu Uygur "Mersin University"
  • Tugba Yanpar Yelken Mersin University


In this study, the educational needs of the instructors in higher education institutions about student-centered teaching-learning processes were identified and, based on the Taba-Tyler program development model, a trainer training program was developed. This program was practised in the experimental model and then its effectiveness was evaluated. “Teaching-learning process instructors self-efficacy scale” and “academic success test” developed in the research extent were implemented to 62 instructors. It was observed, according to the findings, that the self-efficacy perception and academic achievement levels of instructors in teaching-learning processes increased significantly compared to the beginning of the program. It was accordingly concluded that the instructor training program which was prepared and implemented within the scope of this study to improve the teaching-learning process efficacy of the instructors is a favourable model and, in this sense, it can be used as a model in the trainer trainings by higher education institutions.

Author Biography

Mutlu Uygur, "Mersin University"

Curriculum and Instruction


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