Lifelong learning competencies among undergraduate first year and final year midwifery-nursing students


  • Mukaddes Örs Akdeniz University


Abstract The aim of this research is to determine the lifelong learning competence of undergraduate first year and final year midwifery -nursing students . A quantitative research methodology was employed. The population of the study consists of a total of 375 students attending of department of midwifery (n=106) and nursing department (n= 269) in 2017-2018 academic year. Lifelong Learning Competence Scale developed was used for data collection. In the data analysis, descriptive statistics were applied. Results indicated that the midwifery and nursing students' lifelong learning competence scale and scale sub-dimensions scores are high level. As a result of the Mann Whitney U test, it was put forward that there was statistically significant differences in level of decision-making competencies based on department variable (Mdn= 3.59, U=1694.5, P <0.05). As a results of Mann Whitney U test, which was made to compare the self-management subscale scores of 1st and final year students, there was a statistically significant difference in self-management competencies subscale of students according to grade level (Mdn= 3.85, U= 2567, <0.05).



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