Metacognitive awareness and skills of ELT students regarding the “Structure of English” course

Metacognitive awareness and skills of ELT students


  • Ayfer Su Bergil Amasya University


Flavell, who led the emergence of the concept of metacognition in his studies in 1975, describes metacognition as knowledge and cognition about cognitive phenomena in his study of children's memory abilities. At the same time Flavell explains the metacognition as person's knowledge of his cognitive processes in 1985 and information to control their own cognitive processes. Metacognition is a process within the theory of information processing that serves to gain knowledge about cognition and control over cognitive processes. It directs and controls processes that move information from one information repository to another. In this sense, metacognition is a form of self-regulation of the individual. In this study, the metacognitive awareness and skills of English Language Teaching Department students regarding their course achievement of the structure of English is aimed to be investigated specifically. For this purpose, the 1st grade ELT students studying at a state university taking the course of structure of English in the spring semester of 2018-2019 academic year in Turkey consist the sample of the study. Hence, both the metacognitive awareness and skills of 1st grade ELT department students and to what extent they convey their metacognitive awareness and skills to the structure of English course are taken into consideration among the research questions of this study. In data collection procedure, 52-item Metacognitive Awareness Inventory consisting of two facets named as knowledge about cognition with three sub-sections and regulation of cognition with 5 sub-sections, and 30-item Metacognitive Skills Scale were used. With the collected data, the relation of cognitive awareness and skills with the achievement of the structure of English course were investigated. In data analysis part of the method, both qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied to the data. Depending on the findings, it is obtained that the metacognitive awareness and skills of ELT department student studying at one of the state university in Turkey differ from each other and have effects on the achievement of the structure of English course which is one of the courses they need to take during their faculty education. Thus, metacognitive awareness and skills should be taken into consideration in English Language Teaching departments since they provide as pre-conditions for course achievement of teacher candidates and equip them better for their future teaching career, which requires intellectual development as well.


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