A systematic review of concepts in understanding null curriculum

Understanding null curriculum



Amidst the effort to extend its knowledge base, however, there is still a difficulty in understanding the concept of null curriculum. The general purpose of this paper is to synthesize the fundamental concepts in understanding the nature of null curriculum. Following the research method of systematic review, relevant materials were searched, gathered and analyzed. Results show that themes drawn from the accumulated concepts collectively describe null curriculum as a phenomenon that takes multiple dimensions, occurs at hierarchical levels, and can be identified using different frames of reference. When placed in a broader explanatory perspective, the overlaps in the intellectual processes dimension, the inconsistencies of the implemented and experiential levels, and the unknown scope of universal curriculum draw challenges in fully understanding null curriculum. The conclusions and recommendations are offered in the study.

Author Biography

Michael Bobias Cahapay, Mindanao State University, General Santos City

Michael B. Cahapay is a is a licensed professional teacher and an Assistant Professor IV at Mindanao State University, General Santos City, Philippines. He is an active member of Asia Pacific Research Association on Curriculum Studies. He is currently finishing his Ph.D. in Education major in Curriculum Studies at University of the Philippines, Diliman. His research interests include curriculum theory, program evaluation, and research methods.


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