An analysis of Turkish EFL coursebooks in terms of intercultural communicative elements
The present study was undertaken in order to analyze two elementary school coursebooks in terms of their intercultural content. The analysis was based upon Yuen’s (2011) framework, which comprises of products, practices, perspectives, and persons. The category of products include involves solid products such as books or paintings as well as abstract products, such as oral tales or traditional dances. Based on this framework, it is possible to categorize food, entertainment, tools, dwellings, clothing, laws, education, religions, or travel as products. The category of practices encompasses the behavioral patterns of a particular society such as customs and information about daily life, forms of address, use of personal space, and rituals. The third category, perspectives, is related to the underlying beliefs and values, inspirations, myths, superstitions, and world views of a particular society. Finally, the category of persons includes famous individuals and fictitious or unknown people from a particular society. The present study aims at analyzing the cultural content in Turkish high school coursebooks, namely Moonlight 7 and Moonlight 8, based on this framework. The rationale behind sticking to Yuen’s model is that it allows cultural content to be analyzed in an explicit and understandable way.Downloads
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