Professional development barriers of teachers: a qualitative research

Professional development barriers of teachers


  • Mehmet Erroğlu Firat University
  • Vildan Donmuş Kaya Firat University


The aim of the study is to reveal the professional development barriers of teachers. The study was designed in the qualitative approach and as the research method, “phenomenology" was used. The maximum variation sampling method, which is one of the purposive sampling methods, was used in the selection of the study group. Since high school teachers face the phenomenon of professional development more often, the study was carried out with twelve branch teachers who work in high schools in Elazig city center in Turkey. Participants have the maximum variation in terms of participant profiles like gender, branch, seniority and educational level variables. The semi-structured interview was used as the data collection tool. Qualitative data was analyzed by using the descriptive analysis method. The results of the study indicated that teachers' professional development barriers were the inadequacy of in-service training, problems in school functioning, individual problems and other problems. Also, professional development barriers such as negative attitudes towards in-service training courses, inconvenient course time, the monotony of course content, inefficacy of course trainers, out-of content knowledge, unsatisfactory performance evaluation, heavy workload, financial problems and, lack of professional development opportunities were emphasized more by the participants. The results of the study are consistent with the results of other studies in the literature on teachers’ professional development. It was emphasized by the researchers that professional development programs should be developed according to the characteristics of effective professional development programs and, the professional development of teachers should be supported by stakeholders in order to overcome these obstacles.

Author Biographies

Mehmet Erroğlu, Firat University

Curriculum and Instruction

Vildan Donmuş Kaya, Firat University

Curriculum and Instruction


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