3D geometric thinking skills of preschool children
3D geometric thinking skills
Early childhood mathematics education takes attention for decades. The effect of qualified mathematics education during early years has an impact on children’s future academic success. Main purposes of the present study are twofold; to examine children’s current 3D geometry thinking skills and to investigate the development of children’s 3D geometry thinking skills after a 3D training program developed by researchers and named as 3D in Early Childhood (3DinEC). A qualitative study with conveniently sampled preschool students was done. The age range of participant children varied from 60 months to 72 months; three girls and four boys. A semi-structured interview form, which included six abilities Pittalis and Christou (2010) determined, has totally 15 questions. Descriptive and content analysis methods were used. Findings of the present study indicated that participant children had a limited understanding regarding 3D geometric thinking. However, some of these thinking skills like identification of 3D geometric shapes and recognition of these shapes’ properties, etc. could be enhanced through various activities.References
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