Action research as a developmental tool for health and physical education teachers


  • Thomas G Ryan Nipissing University


At present there is a global need to assume an inquiry stance to address problems to locate solutions, as complex problems surface in all walks of life. With new Health and Physical Education provincial curricula emerging in 2019, the province of Ontario (Canada) is also making inquiry a priority. Educators in Ontario are expected to lead students in inquiry efforts yet in order to do this requires teacher training that is authentic, appropriate and professional. One inquiry mode used to enhance and improve is Action Research with its inquiry-based learning elements complements the role of educators and students alike. Action Research is an inquiry tool that can help participants achieve certain resolutions within our educational landscape. Action Research can infuse and nurture teacher self-development within teacher training while improving interpersonal relationships and developing pedagogy via practical experiences. Teacher change through action research occurs within the interactions, experiences and professional development that seems to enlighten teacher training.

Author Biography

Thomas G Ryan, Nipissing University

Professor of Education - Graduate Studies


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