The relationship between elementary school teachers’ personality types and their learning and instructional strategies
This study, considering certain variables, aimed at determining the relationship between elementary school teachers’ personality types and the strategies they used in the learning and instructional process. The study designed with the singular and relational survey model was carried out with 580 elementary school teachers and field teachers from the city of Eskisehir in Turkey. The data of the study obtained using three inventories: The MBTI Form G, Learning strategies inventory and Instructional strategies inventory. At the process of data analysis chi-square, individual samples t-test, and one-way ANOVA statistical test were used. Some of the results are as follows: Personality types of the number of teachers are grouped extraversion, sensing, thinking=feeling and judging; teachers use the interpretation and repetition strategies more than other learning strategies; learner-based instruction strategies preferred by teachers and they use the inquiry, project, problem solving, sample event and questioning strategies more than other process strategies. The results showed when the learning and instructional strategies used by teachers are taken into consideration with respect to their personality types; it could be stated that they favor intuiting and thinking while learning and favor intuiting, thinking and feeling while teaching.
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