English as a foreign language teachers’ perspectives on new curriculum reform at Algerian middle schools
English as a foreign language teachers’ perspectives
This study investigates teachers' perspectives on EFL curriculum reform in Algeria. The specific objectives of the inquiry are to examine teachers' views about EFL curriculum reform relevance and procedures and draw a conclusion from their perspectives. 176 EFL teachers from middle schools in Algeria were chosen to serve as respondents in this research. The requisite data were collected through a survey and a semi-structured interview. The SPSS (22) programme was used to analyse quantitative data, whereas content analysis was subjected to qualitative data. The study established that the majority of teachers considered reform as not relevant to them. The findings also showed negative perspectives about procedures undertook by the government. Hence, we concluded that Algerian teachers' views about the new EFL reform are not in the same boat with the government's intentions and actions. This study, therefore, recommends that effort be made by the government and other agents to re-look to the reform and teachers' needs and motivation.References
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