The relationship between revenge behavior and life satisfaction of students at a state university in Turkey
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between revenge behavior and life satisfaction among university students and to determine whether the revenge behavior and life satisfaction levels differed according to some variables (gender and grade). A total of 300 students, including 178 females and 122 males, who were enrolled in the Educational Faculty of Giresun University, participated in the study voluntarily. The sample consisted of 75 students from each grade level. The data collection tools employed in the study were the Vengeance Scale and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Also, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, t-test, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the study, a low negative correlation (r = -. 24) was found between the revenge behavior and life satisfaction levels of university students. The revenge and life satisfaction levels of university students were observed to differ by gender variable. While there was no difference between the grade levels in terms of the life satisfaction variable, a difference was determined between the grade levels regarding the revenge variable. In the study, the life satisfaction levels of female students were found to be significantly higher than male students; on the other hand, the revenge behavior levels of male students were significantly higher compared to those of female students. A significant difference was found in terms of revenge behaviors against third-year students. The revenge levels of 3rd-grade students were found higher than other students. The findings were discussed and interpreted in the light of the literature.References
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