The nexus between reading visual texts and scientific non-visual texts in a High School in Indonesia
The nexus between reading visual texts and scientific non-visual texts
Abstract This study aims to look at the extent of the relationship between non-visual science text reading skills and students' visual text reading skills, as a form of student preparation for the AKM which is being activated as a substitute for student graduation standards in Indonesia in the coming year. This research is a quantitative correlation study conducted by providing tests both for non-visual texts and for visual texts. The sample in this study was 133 students of grade X IPA of SMA Negeri 4 Pematang Siantar who were selected using simple random sampling technique. Data analysis techniques using bivariate correlation test with the Pearson Product Moment method where if the correlation coefficient gets closer to 1 or -1 it means that the relationship is more closely related. The results of the analysis in this study obtained the value of the correlation coefficient is r = 0.96 which means that Ha is accepted. Therefore, it can be conclude that there is a very strong positive correlation between the students’ reading skills in non-visual text science with the students' reading skills in visual science text. The results also mean that if the students' ability to read non-visual text increases, their ability to read visual text will also increase.
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