Comparison of inquiry-based instruction in real and virtual laboratory environments: Prospective science teachers’ attitudes



This research aimed to compare how prospective science teachers’ attitudes towards chemistry laboratory and chemistry lesson changed after participation in inquiry-based instructions that were conducted in real and virtual laboratories. Thirty-four freshman prospective science teachers from an education faculty participated in the research and participants were assigned as Group-1 (N=17) and Group-2 (N=17). While Group-1 was accomplished inquiry-based instruction in the real laboratory, Group-2 was conducted the same instruction in the virtual laboratory. As a data source, attitude towards chemistry lesson scale and attitude towards chemistry laboratory scale were used. The semi-constructed interview was also conducted with all participants. According to results, although all the prospective science teachers’ attitudes toward chemistry lesson and laboratory improved significantly in both real and virtual laboratory environments, improvement in the prospective science teachers’ scores in a real laboratory environment significantly higher than those in the virtual laboratory. In addition to these, semi-structured interview results cohered with the results of the scales.



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