An investigation on school attachment of primary school students, and their class teachers' job satisfaction
An investigation on school attachment
This research aimed to determine the relationship between students 'attachment to school and teachers' job satisfaction. In addition to this, it aimed to determine whether these two characteristics differ in terms of some demographic variables. The research was carried out as a correlational survey. The participants consisted of 610 students with studying in primary schools in the city from East of Turkey and 22 teachers who are teaching these students. Data of the study were collected with the "School Attachment Scale for Children and Adolescents" and "Job satisfaction scale". Pearson correlation analysis, independent samples t-test, and one-way analysis of variance were used in data analysis. The results of the study revealed that there was no significant relationship between students 'attachment to school and teachers' job satisfaction. Also, it has been determined that there are some differences in terms of groups. It was determined that students' attachment to school does not differ according to grade level, but there are differences in favor of men in terms of gender. It was determined that job satisfaction of teachers differed in terms of class size, age, professional seniority, year of being with their class, and working year in the current school.References
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