Exploring the implementation of curriculum quality audit in a Philippine State University

Exploring the implementation of curriculum quality audit


  • Ritchelee Boniao Alugar Bukidnon State University
  • Estela Corro Itaas Bukidnon State University


Demands of developing graduate competencies have led Teacher Education Institutions to engage in curriculum quality evaluations. This study investigated the practices in the implementation of Curriculum Quality Audit (CQA) Cycle in one Philippine State University. Twenty-three College of Education faculty, who are teaching Professional Education courses were the participants. Narrative Inquiry was employed and facilitated by the use of Open-ended questions, focus group discussion, and document analysis. The Thematic-narrative approach in data analysis revealed that the institution’s practices are described to be Informed and coordinated, rigorous, designated, evidence-based, iterative, collegial, and continuous. Challenges encountered include difficulty in managing time, insufficient understanding of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), difficulty in motivating the faculty, and sustaining the iterative nature of CQA. Findings suggest the formulation of policy on the institutionalization of CQA in the college.


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