A bibliometric analysis of the articles about values education
This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the articles about values education in the Web of Science database. To this end, analyzes were provided of 254 articles deemed suitable for the analysis from the articles collected from the database. Bibliometric analysis was performed for the most used keywords, the most used words in the abstract, the most cited authors, the most cited countries, the most cited journals about values education via the VOSviewer program. Furthermore, the articles' publication years and languages were identified. Values education, values, education, moral education are the most used keywords. Data, level, and program are the most commonly used words in the abstract. The most cited writers (co-citation) in values education are Lovat, Thornberg and Kohlberg. According to both co-citation and citation analysis of the most cited journal, it is the Journal of Moral Education. The countries that are most cited are the United States, Australia, and England. Even though the first study in this field was conducted in 1970, the majority of researches were performed in 2019. The publication language of the articles has been discovered to be predominantly English. It is assumed that the findings obtained would provide the researchers with a general framework in this field. Suggestions for further studies are brought in as a result of the study.
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