Evaluation of a mathematics curriculum in accordance with the Eisner’s educational connoisseurship and criticism model

Evaluation of a mathematics curriculum



This study was set out to evaluate the 8th grade mathematics curriculum, which was renewed in 2016-2017 academic year and started to be implemented in 2017-2018 academic year, according to Eisner’s educational connoisseurship and criticism model. The study group of the research, in which the case study pattern, one of the qualitative research methods, is adopted, consists of 15 secondary school mathematics teachers selected by the purposeful sampling method. Semi-structured interview form was used as data collection tool. Descriptive data analysis was used in the analysis of the data obtained. As a result of the evaluation, the teachers made positive criticisms about the renewed curriculum in general. In addition, there were teachers who made negative criticisms about some features of the program. It was concluded that negative criticisms were made as following: mathematics was not at a level to fulfill its special aims, the constructivist approach cannot be used as much as necessary due to the fact that some classes are crowded, some issues in the content are included only once in the secondary school and this does not comply with the principle of spiral learning, there are subjects in the curriculum that do not comply with the readiness of students such as "the subject of identity", the questions in the textbook and Education Information Network (EBA) do not fully provide the quality to develop students' skills such as correlating, reasoning, and problem-solving, giving less space to math problems in the curriculum than necessary.


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